The United Kingdom’s King Charles III was admitted to a London hospital to undergo a “corrective procedure” for an enlarged prostate on Friday, Buckingham Palace...
The creator of Netflix series The Crown shut down suggestions he might depict Princess Kate’s cancer journey in a future fiction project and issued a...
Prince William’s fan reaction as he arrived for a friend’s wedding has gone viral in a video on TikTok. The Prince of Wales was the...
It was the second consecutive time Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle were not invited to Trooping the Colour in the UK. According to...
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have embarked on the hunt for the best possible school for their children Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet but the...
Prince Harry has been warned one of the key things about Meghan Markle that made him fall in love with his wife may not stand...
King Charles has been left with a “regret” from his deepening feud with his youngest son Prince Harry. The King is unhappy with only seeing...
In a grand display of support and solidarity, the future monarch, Prince Harry, accompanied by his elegant queen-to-be, Meghan Markle, made a resounding declaration of...
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle travelled to Nigeria last month, and their three-day tour attracted much attention. The motives for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s...
Meghan Markle traded in her usual neutrals for more colorful clothing in Nigeria which, a commentator says, is indicative of a ‘happy’ chapter for her...