The rapper blew kisses to fans in the crowd who reacted negatively when “Karma,” her collaboration with Swift, played during her set at Rolling Loud...
Arnold Schwarzenegger (born July 8th, 1947, Thal, near Graz, Austria) is an Austrian-born American bodybuilder, film actor, and politician who rose to fame through roles...
Coco Gauff decided to tell a little story ahead of her upcoming Wimbledon match against Emma Navarro as the 2023 US Open champion reveals she...
It’s wild to think that almost a year ago, the “Love Story” of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce started with a friendship bracelet, and now...
Taylor Swift had a special guest at her recent show, and his name is Travis Kelce! On Friday, July 5, videos posted to TikTok showed...
Taylor Swift can do it with a broken heart — but with boyfriend Travis Kelce by her side, she doesn’t have to. Fresh off their...
Taylor Swift teased Travis Kelce’s potential appearance on stage, causing fans to get intrigued. Read on to learn more! Taylor Swift made a lot of...
Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift have been dating for nearly a year (I’m rounding up, leave me alone!) and naturally some fans want to know...
Taylor Swift has racked up quite the impressive résumé — a self-made billionaire with chart-dominating albums that earn dozens of awards, the highest-grossing concert film of...
For Taylor Swift, simply going “Instagram official” with Travis Kelce just isn’t big enough, apparently. On Sunday, Swift took it one step further by bringing...